This morning I was up at an ungodly hour, 5.45, to help my mother and sister with a carboot sale at the Dubai Flea Market and it was craaaazy. Lots of pushing, shoving and hair pulling. But at the end of the day, bar a couple of pairs of shoes, everything went and I mean everything! Yes- I even managed to flog two A Level P.E books to a Jordanian couple with a toddler and half the population of Dubai are now wearing black and orange sunglasses, as for some reason my dad has boxes and boxes of them lying around from the 80's.
So just before midday we returned home with our bags empty and our pockets full - an unusual turn of events, but not for long as we decided to take a trip to Mall Of The Emirates and I bought myself a new
See By Chloe purse with my earnings.
Out with the old, in with the new!