This Christmas I have landed myself some work experience at Grazia magazine in Dubai, and let me tell you, it's no walk in the park. I've spent the past week shadowing the stylists assistant, Cecily, but next week i'm on my own! Although the job is long hours (well... 9-6 is long in my eyes) and the work speed is fast, i'm still loving every minute of it. On my second day we took a trip to Murdiff City Centre with a direct order to go into Versace and pick out at least forty items of clothing for a Versace spread. Then we had to bring all the clothes back to the studio hang them up and work with the photographer, photographing each item individually on a mannequin. After that we had to price all the items and write descriptions of each so as not to forget. I spend a lot of my time in the studio photographing clothes, but that's not my only job, as we're running Grazia Bahrain as well as Grazia Middle East I often have to call up stores in Bahrain asking for the price of an item in Bahrain dinar, but they never have a clue what I'm on about.
But i love it.
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