On Wednesday me and my fellow fashion styling friends/house mates/ pancake makers were asked to form a collaboration with a 3rd year make up student, Melissa, for her final major project. Melissa's project is based on black culture but mixed in with Victorian styling, and our job was to source all the Victorian clothes and accessories. So we decided that we needed a neutral colour palette for the dresses, as Mel wanted to juxtapose the Victorian outfit with African head scarves.
So we hit the shops, sourced a couple of dresses that were fairly simple, yet very delicate and pretty and we decided to make the accessories ourselves - what with being sewing wizz kids and everything. We ended up making a lace collar with a really detailed, embroided, hand made ribbon, and Yasmin also added some pearls to a black lace necklace we found.
Here's a look at the shoot from the sideline...
For more images, deets and stylists check out;
Yasmin: http://buymechanelandillgiveyoumyheart.blogspot.com/
Laura: http://lauraelisehanson.blogspot.com/
Charlie: http://charliesawkins.tumblr.com/